An eye examination is normally recommended every 2 years for an adult and annually for children. At risk groups, such as those with a family history of glaucoma should attend every year.

Of course, if you have any concerns about your vision or comfort of your eyes you should attend for a check up. During your eye test we will carefully measure the prescription required to give you clear and comfortable vision. An eye test is also an important health check. It enables us to pick up early signs of eye conditions such as glaucoma and cataracts as well as possibly detecting underlying general health problems, including diabetes and high blood pressure. We schedule 45 minute appointments to allow a fully comprehensive eye examination. Digital retinal photography is utilised in all exams at no extra charge to ensure everyone benefits from this technology.

You will be entitled to a free eye test if you are:

  • Aged under 16
  • Aged 16,17 or 18 in full time education
  • Aged 60 or over
  • Claiming benefit (Income support, Jobseeker’s Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance, Pension Credit or Tax Credits)
  • On low income and named on an HC2 or HC3 certificate
  • Diagnosed with diabetes or glaucoma, or considered to be at risk of glaucoma
  • Aged 40 or over and the parent. Brother, sister, son or daughter of a person diagnosed with glaucoma
  • Registered blind or partially sighted
  • Eligible for an NHS complex lens voucher
  • A prisoner or being seen outside prison

Digital Retinal Photography

Using a sophisticated digital camera we are able to take and store an image of the back of your eye. This provides a very thorough way of detecting subtle conditions which might affect the eyes. It allows us to quickly diagnose common eye conditions including diabetes, glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration. This scan is non-invasive, simple and quick. The image will be stored so that any changes to the condition of your retina can be monitored with every eye test.